As a licensed aesthetician, Kathy Nowrey, owner of the Harmony
Wellness Center Spa in Newark, Delaware, knows the many benefits a
monthly facial can have for her clients. Facials have long been a
luxury, only being sought after for an upcoming special event, or if an
unusual skin condition is encountered. While there is nothing wrong with
this, many of the skin conditions can be avoided with a monthly facial.
Monthly facials can also provide the following benefits.
- A facial helps to increase the circulation of blood under the skin. This allows the skin to facilitate the renewal of skin cells and promotes optimal skin health.
- Facials aid in the detoxification of your skin. They help to decrease the waste found under the skin that is responsible for ruddiness, puffiness, and fluid accumulation.
- With the right facial, collagen production is promoted, leading to a decrease in fine lines and helping to prevent premature aging, wrinkles, and sagging.
- Facials offer a level of deep cleansing and exfoliation that you can’t achieve at home. Exfoliating your skin promotes smoothness, allows for your at-home products to be more effective, unclogs your pores, and improves your skin’s ability to remain hydrated.
- They can even out your skin tone and lighten dark spots.