Being stressed out is no way to live your life. Unfortunately,
stress has a profound effect on the majority of people’s lives. This is not
only because they have full lives with deadlines, jobs, obligations, and other
issues, but because they also have no idea how to deal with stress when it
comes their way.
People become stressed out for many reasons, whether it is
because they think their life is not panning out the way that it should, or
because something is going wrong in their relationship or their job. Some
people even feel stressed out when nothing is going wrong at all. This is
because people are always thinking about the past and the future, what has
happened and what is going to happen. While this kind of thought does have its
advantages for planning and learning, it can often be overused, causing
unnecessary and excessive amounts of stress. Whenever you feel as if you are
being overwhelmed by all of the stressors in your life, one useful way to
prevent that is to focus on the now. Are you sitting at a table, a desk? If so,
take a moment to look around at your surroundings. Perhaps return a call to a
friend or a loved one.
Sometimes the best way to deal with stress is to simply get out
of your own head, to think about the world around you as it is, not as how it
could be or how it was. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that life is
lived one moment at a time. If you can do that, you can prevent a lot of stress
that would otherwise overwhelm you.
Kathy Nowrey is a spa owner that always encourages her clients
to focus on the here and now.